Scientists name newly discovered endangered species after the company that will decide its fate

By Tanya Dimitrova 24 August 2014 ( – Scientists have discovered a new snail species on a limestone hill near a cement quarry in Malaysia, which as far as they know lives nowhere else in the world. The animal’s shell is only one tenth of an inch in size. “Narrow endemic species are a common […]

Mysterious Siberia crater attributed to methane

By Katia Moskvitch31 July 2014 (Nature) – A mystery crater spotted in the frozen Yamal peninsula in Siberia earlier this month was probably caused by methane released as permafrost thawed, researchers in Russia say. Air near the bottom of the crater contained unusually high concentrations of methane — up to 9.6% — in tests conducted […]

63 trillion gallons of groundwater lost in drought, study finds

By Rong-Gong Lin II21 August 2014 (Los Angeles Times) – The ongoing drought in the western United States has caused so much loss of groundwater that the Earth, on average, has lifted up about 0.16 inches over the last 18 months, according to a new study. The situation was even worse in the snow-starved mountains […]

Why Michael Mann’s defamation suit against climate denialists is the right move – With the facts on his side, there’s no reason to hide

By Ethan Elkind   18 August 2014 (Legal Planet) – Dr. Michael Mann, one of the country’s leading climate scientists, has been harassed, threatened, and berated for his views that human actions are contributing to global climate change. But not just from anonymous commenters on websites — from leading publications like the National Review Online. After […]

Photo gallery: Building toward disaster – Aerial photographs from 1933 to 2014 show how development contributed to deadliest landslide event in U.S. history

Reporters: Ken Armstrong, Justin Mayo, Mike Baker and Jim BrunnerInteractive: Thomas WilburnGraphics: Mark NowlinEditor: Beth KaimanJuly 2014 (Seattle Times) – The decades preceding the deadly landslide near Oso reflect a shifting landscape with one human constant: Even as warnings mounted, people kept moving in. This interactive graphic tells that story, starting in 1887. Thirteen aerial […]

Police tell Detroiters to buy guns in city riven by race issues and crime

By Rose Hackman    17 August 2014 ( – Detroit police chief James Craig – nicknamed “Hollywood” for his years spent in the LAPD and his seeming love of being in front of the camera – has repeatedly called on “good” and “law-abiding” Detroiters to arm themselves against criminals in the city. His words have not […]

The rise of suburban poverty in America – ‘The American public has been slow to realize this transition from urban poverty to suburban poverty’

By Josh Sanburn2 August 2014 (TIME) – The suburbs aren’t the middle-class haven many imagine them to be as new numbers show 16.5 million suburban Americans are living beneath the poverty line. Colorado Springs is often included on lists of the best places to live in America thanks to its 250 days of sun a […]

Glaciologist: If we release a small fraction of Arctic carbon, ‘We’re fucked’

By Brian Merchant1 August 2014 (Vice) – This week, scientists made a disturbing discovery in the Arctic Ocean: They saw “vast methane plumes escaping from the seafloor,” as the Stockholm University put it in a release disclosing the observations. The plume of methane—a potent greenhouse gas that traps heat more powerfully than carbon dioxide, the […]

Scientists raise questions about the doomsday scenario that made one Pacific island leader spend millions on new land

By Christopher Pala21 August 2014 (The Atlantic) – Mikarite Temari, the mayor of Christmas Island, Kiribati’s largest atoll, rolled his eyes and shook his head as I read off my laptop in his office what his president, Anote Tong, had said during a visit to New York. “According to the science and the projections,” Tong, […]

Welcome to the Age of Denial – ‘Today, it is politically effective, and socially acceptable, to deny scientific fact’

By ADAM FRANK21 August 2013 ROCHESTER (The New York Times) – IN 1982, polls showed that 44 percent of Americans believed God had created human beings in their present form. Thirty years later, the fraction of the population who are creationists is 46 percent. In 1989, when “climate change” had just entered the public lexicon, […]

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