For some Wisconsin state workers, ‘climate change’ isn’t something you can talk about

  By Eric Roston8 April 2015 (Bloomberg) – Discussing climate change is out of bounds for workers at a state agency in Wisconsin. So is any work related to climate change—even responding to e-mails about the topic. A vote on Tuesday by Wisconsin’s Board of Commissioners of Public Lands, a three-member panel overseeing an agency […]

Radiation measured at deadly 9.7 sieverts in Fukushima reactor, enough to kill a human within an hour

13 April 2015 (Japan Times) – Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Monday that radiation in the primary containment vessel of the No. 1 reactor of the Fukushima No. 1 power station gets as high as 9.7 sieverts per hour — enough to kill a human within an hour. The radiation levels at six locations in […]

Video: Chevron cover-up of Amazon pollution

By Kaelyn Forde10 April 2015 (Al Jazeera) – Videos reportedly leaked by a whistleblower at the Chevron Corp. purport to show employees and consultants paid by the energy giant finding petroleum contamination at sites in the Ecuadorean Amazon that the company claimed was cleaned up years earlier. According to the environmental advocacy group Amazon Watch, […]

In Alps, glaciers retreat as climate debate goes on – ‘In 40, 50 years what are we going to say to our next generation? ‘Oh, it was great! You should’ve been here’’

By Bill Weir9 April 2015 (CNN) – The world’s glaciers are disappearing. Climate change skeptics are not. The people who study our oceans and skies worry about both of these phenomena. But in wide swaths of 21st century America, the argument is still stuck on what to call the other side. “Denier” can also describe […]

California’s new era of heat destroys all previous records – Sadly, this is only the beginning

By Tom Randall10 April 2015 (Bloomberg) – The California heat of the past 12 months is like nothing ever seen in records going back to 1895. The 12 months before that were similarly without precedent. And the 12 months before that? A freakishly hot year, too. What’s happening in California right now is shattering modern […]

Acidic oceans implicated in Earth's worst mass extinction – ‘These findings may help us understand the threat posed to marine life by modern-day ocean acidification’

By Will Dunham; Editing by Mohammad Zargham9 April 2015 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – It is one of science’s enduring mysteries: what caused the worst mass extinction in Earth’s history. And, no, it is not the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. Scientists said on Thursday that huge amounts of carbon dioxide spewed from colossal volcanic eruptions […]

Carly Fiorina blames environmentalists for California drought – ‘It is a man-made disaster’

[It is a “man-made disaster”, but not in the way she thinks. –Des] By Kendall Breitman6 April 15 (Politico) – Carly Fiorina is blaming liberal environmentalists for what she calls a “man-made” drought in California. “It is a man-made disaster,” Fiorina, who is “seriously considering” a run for president in 2016, told the Blaze Radio […]

Brazil water crisis: 56 Northeastern cities are in state of collapse, says government

[Translation by Microsoft Translator] By Catherine Alencastro 1 April 2015 BRASILIA (O Globo) – In yet another government meeting to evaluate the water crisis in part of the country, the diagnosis is that, in the Northeast, there are currently 56 cities in a state of collapse, i.e., without water for more than four days. According […]

Dolphin’s death leaves only 5 of her kind on the planet

By Christina M. Russo8 April 2015 (The Dodo) – The recent death of one of the remaining six Irrawaddy river dolphins in the Mekong River in Laos highlights the desperate situation for the already critically endangered animal. Villagers in Cambodia discovered the female dolphin carcass on April 1, according to news reports in Phnom Penh. […]

Before civilization on this planet eventually collapses, it will go stark-raving mad

7 April 2015 (CIVILIZATION) – The enormous cognitive dissonance between our growing awareness of our civilization’s accelerating collapse, and the ‘news’ in the media and the subjects of most public discourse, continues to baffle me. Though I suspect it shouldn’t. We are all slow learners, preoccupied with the needs of the moment, with a preference […]

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