Jeb Bush fumbles for ‘moderate’ stance on climate, falls on face

By David Roberts26 May 2015 (Vox) – Jeb Bush has been having a rough time, offering an evolving series of not-quite-coherent answers on the question of whether the Iraq War was a good idea. It’s catnip for journalists, and they’ve hounded him about it relentlessly. If the public or journalists cared as much about climate […]

São Paulo’s water crisis: In the Favela do Moinho, 2,500 residents rely on one impossibly thin blue pipe

By Claire Rigby15 April 2015 São Paulo (The Guardian) – With water levels worryingly low in at least two of São Paulo’s largest reservoirs, insecurity around water has become a fact of life for most paulistanos – as has a newfound interest in self-reliance and thrift: in stored water, rainwater collection and reduced usage. Yet […]

Can you make a wind turbine without fossil fuels?

This is a question that Des has pondered frequently. Carbon Counter gives us a nice analysis. 11 June 2015 (Carbon Counter) – Various scenarios have been put forward showing that 100% renewable energy is achievable. Some of them even claim that we can move completely away from fossil fuels in only couple of decades. A […]

Last month was the hottest May on record in Alaska

By Laura Dattaro10 June 2015 (Vice) – The United States’ snowiest wilderness just keeps getting warmer. Temperatures in Alaska averaged 44.9 degrees Fahrenheit this May, making it the warmest May in the 91-year temperature record of the state, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data released today. And that’s a remarkable 7.1 degrees […]

Video: As Lake Mead dries up, engineers dig deep in search for water

10 June 2015 (NBC News) – Harry Smith gets a unique view far underground, where engineers are looking miles beneath the surface of the country’s largest reservoir for water. As Lake Mead Dries Up, Engineers Dig Deep in Search for Water Technorati Tags: California,North America,drought,freshwater depletion,global warming,climate change

BP Energy Outlook 2035: Carbon emissions to rise 1 percent per year, or 25 percent to 2035 – ‘A trajectory significantly above the path recommended by scientists’

17 February 2015 (BP) – Despite the dramatic recent weakening in global energy markets, ongoing economic expansion in Asia – particularly in China and India – will drive continued growth in the world’s demand for energy over the next 20 years. According to the new edition of the BP Energy Outlook 2035, global demand for […]

The deadly combination of heat and humidity

By Robert Kopp, Jonathan Buzan, and Matthew Huber 6 June 2015 (The New York Times) – The most deadly weather-related disasters aren’t necessarily caused by floods, droughts or hurricanes. They can be caused by heat waves, like the sweltering blanket that’s taken over 2,500 lives in India in recent weeks. Temperatures broke 118 degrees in parts […]

The coal boom choking China – ‘Sometimes people come back, but only to visit the graves of their ancestors’

By Emma Graham-Harrison5 June 2015 (The Guardian) – The country is grappling with the direct costs of that coal, in miners’ lives, crippling air pollution, expanding deserts and “environmental refugees”. Desire for change contends with fears that cutting back on familiar technology could dent employment or slow growth, and efforts to cut consumption do not […]

Louisiana governor signs bill to kill lawsuit against oil, gas companies – ‘I’m sure BP will use it for appeals’

By Julia O’Donoghue6 June 2014 (The Times-Picayune) – Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed legislation aimed at killing a lawsuit filed by a New Orleans area regional levee board against 97 oil and gas companies, despite concerns that the new law could negatively affect state and government claims against BP over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico […]

Secretive donors gave U.S. climate denial groups $125 million over three years

By Suzanne Goldenberg and Helena Bengtsson9 June 2015 (The Guardian) – The secretive funders behind America’s conservative movement directed around $125m (£82m) over three years to groups spreading disinformation about climate science and committed to wrecking Barack Obama’s climate change plan, according to an analysis of tax records. The amount is close to half of […]

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