Campaign against plundering krill in the Southern Ocean

By Gary Farrow10 July 2015 (NZ Herald) – Sea Shepherd Australia has launched a new campaign to protect a species much smaller than the whales it has generally focused on, but just as important to the Southern Ocean ecosystem. Krill play a crucial role in the Antarctic food chain, as they are consumed by whales, […]

Mysterious giant hole in Siberia gradually filling up with water, expanding

10 July 2015 (RT) – The mysterious hole-turned-lake in Siberia’s Yamal peninsula has expanded to 50 meters in depth, Russian scientists said. Researchers have been puzzled by its origins saying it was likely caused by gas explosions. The giant sinkhole located not far from Gazprom’s Bovanenkovo gas field in Russia’s northern Yamal Peninsula has been […]

Europe and U.S. Pacific Northwest face record heat

By Michael Carlowicz12 July 2015 (NASA) – For two weeks in late June and early July 2015, western Europe and the Pacific Northwest of North America endured record-setting heat and parched landscapes. Other parts of the world got a taste of the heat, too, as new temperature records were set on three continents. The map […]

New study: Heat is being stored beneath the ocean surface

By Mike Carlowicz10 July 2015 (NASA) – For much of the past decade, a puzzle has been confounding the climate science community. Nearly all of the measurable indicators of global climate change—such as sea level, ice cover on land and sea, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations—show a world changing on short, medium, and long time scales. […]

Exxon knew of climate change in 1981, email says – but it funded deniers for 27 more years

By Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent8 July 2015 (The Guardian) – ExxonMobil, the world’s biggest oil company, knew as early as 1981 of climate change – seven years before it became a public issue, according to a newly discovered email from one of the firm’s own scientists. Despite this the firm spent millions over the […]

The strongest El Niño on record may be brewing in the Pacific

By Andrew Freedman9 July 2015 (Mashable) – El Niño conditions are intensifying in the tropical Pacific Ocean, potentially leading to a record event that would help control rainfall in East Africa and possibly bring desperately needed drought relief to California, while temporarily cutting off rainfall to parts of the Indonesian rainforest. A record strong event […]

São Paulo: Worries grow as serious drought grips Brazil’s largest city – ‘Even if you reduce the water consumption for the city, you don't have the water’

By Marguerite Ward 1 July 2015 (NBC News) – One of the world’s most populous cities is running out of water. São Paulo, Brazil, is in the grips of the city’s worst drought in the last half-century. The city’s main water supply—called the Cantareira system—is running on emergency reserves. Normally this time of year, the […]

How is drought in Washington State affecting local farms? ‘This is the hottest, driest spring ever — as in the least amount of rainfall and highest temperatures for May and June’

By Angela Garbes8 July 2015 (The Stranger) – Everybody in Seattle knows that summer doesn’t typically start until after the Fourth of July. It’s when, after months of rain (the infamous “Juneuary”), the clouds finally part and the temperatures rise. But not this year. Nobody knows this better than local farmers. While people have been […]

Video: Plankton eating plastic caught on camera for the first time

By Richard Gray7 July 2015 (Daily Mail) – It has been found inside the digestive tracts of turtles, sea birds and whales, but it appears plastic litter in our oceans is also clogging up the insides of the tiny plankton that many larger sea creatures feed on. For the first time copepods – tiny creatures […]

Germany breaks all-time heat record

By Jeff Masters  6 July 2015 (Weather Underground) – Germany broke its all-time heat record on Sunday July 5, when the mercury soared to 104.5°F (40.3°C) at the official Kitzingen station in Bavaria. According to the German weather service’s Facebook page, the record is now confirmed as official. The previous official national heat record recognized […]

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