By Nick Robins-Early22 September 2015 (The Huffington Post) – The doomsday seed vault on Norway’s remote Svalbard archipelago houses the world’s back up supply of seeds to ensure crop diversity. It contains deposits of nearly 865,000 varieties of seeds buried within a mountain in case of catastrophe. Due to Syria’s civil war, it will now […]
24 September 2015 (The Siberian Times) – Residents in the TransBaikal district of Mogochinsky reported the ‘unnatural’ colour of the Itaka River prompting a full-scale health alert. Local environmental officials blame ‘significant violations’ at a local gold mine amid concerns for people living downstream of the pollution outbreak. The district’s administration chief Dmitry Plyukhin said: […]
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player By Ben Kennedy29 September 2015 MIAMI BEACH, Florida ( – Sunday evening’s supermoon is causing the second day of high tides along South Florida’s coastline. “I’ve been here for 20 years and this is the worst it’s ever been,” a Miami Beach resident said. “It’s horrible, it’s horrible, but what […]
By Michael Casey 29 September 2015 (CBS News) – Federal officials are trying to understand what is behind a sharp rise in the stranding and deaths of threatened fur seals, with dozens washing up along the California coast this year. Designating it an Unusual Mortality Event, NOAA Fisheries said that as many as 80 Guadalupe […]
The sound of climate change from the Amazon to the Arctic from Ensia on Vimeo. By Heather Hansman 21 September 2015 ( – Four nervous-looking college students pick up their bows and start into a song at the bottom of their range. As the string quartet plays, the music gets higher pitched. It dips and […]
By Fergus Ryan, with additional reporting by Amber Ziye Wang26 September 2015 Beijing (The Guardian) – While differences on cyber security and talk of sanctions dominated the headlines for Chinese president Xi Jinping’s visit to the US, the two countries also signed up to a major agreement to end the global trade in ivory. In […]
By Doyle Rice25 September 2015 (USA TODAY) – The amount of land burned by wildfires in the U.S. this year has surpassed 9 million acres, according to data released Thursday by the National Interagency Fire Center. This is only the fourth time on record the country has reached the 9 million-acre mark, center spokesman Randall […]
By Kelly Ryan24 September 2015 FOLSOM LAKE (CBS13) – A Northern California reservoir ran dry overnight, killing thousands of fish and leaving residents looking for answers. While a $3.5 million drought safety net at Folsom Lake finishes, a lake in another part of the state is left high and dry. Thousands of fish lay dead […]
By Ryan J. Foley26 September 2015 DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) – Deep inside a complex of huge tanks, drinking water for Iowa’s capital city is constantly cleansed of the harmful nitrates that come from the state’s famously rich farmland. Without Des Moines Water Works, the region of 500,000 people that it serves wouldn’t have a […]
[Some good news to start the week. A dry hole really is the best outcome. – Des] By Charisse Jones28 September 2015 (USA TODAY) – Royal Dutch Shell will end exploration in off shore Alaska “for the forseeable future,” after an exploratory well in the Chukchi Sea failed to yield the oil and gas that […]