Drowning in danger: Worldwide water crisis deemed biggest global risk

By Peter Neill 1 February 2016 (NY Daily News) – The World Economic Forum, which just completed its 2016 meeting in Davos, Switzerland, last year recognized the world water crisis as the most impactful global risk. The situation is no less complicated or critical today, with California reevaluating its water policies and structures as a […]

Study reveals Amazon deforestation tends to decrease but remains high – 222,248 square kilometers destroyed between 2000 and 2013

(RAISG) – The Amazonian Network of Georeferenced Socio-Environmental Information (RAISG) reveals in a recent publication that the loss of original forest cover of the Amazon rainforest decelerated between 2000 and 2013 relative to the 1970-2000 period. Despite this deceleration, figures remain high within the entire region for the three periods analyzed (2000-2005, 2005-2010, 2010-2013). The […]

Blizzard Jonas and the slowdown of the Gulf Stream System

By Stefan Rahmstorf24 January 2016 (RealClimate) – Blizzard Jonas on the U.S. east coast has just shattered snowfall records. Both weather forecasters and climate experts have linked the high snowfall amounts to the exceptionally warm sea surface temperatures off the east coast. In this post I will examine a related question: why are sea surface […]

Fires in Tasmania’s ancient forests are a warning for all of us

By David Bowman28 January 2016 (The Conversation) – More than 72,000 hectares of western Tasmania have been burned by a cluster of bushfires, most of them ignited by a spectacular dry lightning storm that crossed the island on January 13. The geographic scale of the fires can be seen on the Tasmanian Fire Service website. […]

RealClimate: 2015 temperatures

By Gavin SchmidtBy January 2016 (RealClimate) – To no-one’s great surprise, 2015 was clearly a record year in all the surface temperature analyses (GISTEMP, NOAA, HadCRUT4, Cowtan&Way, JMA + Berkeley Earth). There is a lot of discussion of this in the press, and on the relevant websites, so not much to add here. A few […]

Video: How the world went from 170 million people to 7.3 billion, in one map

By German Lopez30 January 2016 (Vox) – Humanity has conquered the world. It’s hard to appreciate what that means, but the video above, by WorldPopulationHistory.org, shows just how incredible the growth and expansion of humanity has been over the past 2,000 years. Here are some of the notable moments in the video: The map begins […]

Tasmania fires: First images of World Heritage Area devastation emerge, show signs of system collapse – ‘The scene is complete and utter devastation. There is kilometres of burnt ground, everything is dead.’

By Linda Hunt31 January 2016 (ABC) – The first images to emerge from within Tasmania’s fire-affected World Heritage Area (WHA) have illustrated the level of destruction caused by bushfire, as experts warn such incidents are signs of a changing climate. Many fires continue to burn around the state, ignited by lightning strikes. Some are in […]

Human-made fires pollute air with ozone half a world away

By Cody Sullivan27 January 2016 (Eos) – Ozone, a common air pollutant and greenhouse gas, harms lungs and plants and has contributed almost as much as methane to global warming since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Now researchers are reporting new evidence that local-scale slash and burn farming techniques, cooking fires, and wildfires can […]

Scientists: ‘Doomsday Clock’ reflects grave threat to world – ‘Unless we change the way we think, humanity remains in serious danger’

By Sudhin Thanawala26 January 2016 STANFORD, California (AP) – Rising tension between Russia and the U.S., North Korea’s recent nuclear test and a lack of aggressive steps to address climate change are putting the world under grave threat, scientists behind a “Doomsday Clock” that measures the likelihood of a global cataclysm said Tuesday. The Bulletin […]

Climate deniers attack NASA scientist dying of cancer

By Katie Herzog20 January 2016 (Grist) – Readers of The New York Times were treated to a deeply touching essay this week by Piers Sellers, a NASA astronaut and climate scientist who was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. […] And yet, it took no time at all for the climate change deniers to […]

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