Herpes outbreak, other marine viruses linked to coral bleaching event – ‘Incidents like this are now happening more widely all around the world’

CORVALLIS, Oregon, 11 February 2016 (OSU) – A study at Oregon State University has concluded that significant outbreaks of viruses may be associated with coral bleaching events, especially as a result of multiple environmental stresses. One such event was documented even as it happened in a three-day period. It showed how an explosion of three […]

Study: Will we ever stop using fossil fuels? ‘The world will likely be awash in fossil fuels for decades and perhaps even centuries to come’

3 February 2016 (EPIC) – On the heels of a historic climate agreement in Paris, a new study [pdf] in the Journal of Economic Perspectives sheds light on the world’s ability to stop using fossil fuels. Its conclusion: fossil fuel consumption is likely to continue to grow without clear and decisive global actions to put […]

Why organic food might be worth the price – ‘When you look at ecosystem services, organic agriculture really shines’

By Mandy Oaklander4  February 2016 (TIME) – The most infamous fact about organic food is that it’s expensive—about 47% more expensive, according to a recent analysis from Consumer Reports. But a new review study published in Nature Plants analyzed everything research currently knows about organic farming versus the conventional kind and found that organic offers […]

Europe’s restrictive measures draw UN concern as refugee and migrant influx continues – Number of children fleeing to Europe escalating

12 February 2016 (UN) – With the number of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe showing no signs of easing in 2016, the United Nations refugee agency today reiterated its concern over increasing restrictive measures on the part of European Member States, stressing that greater support mechanisms must be urgently implemented to protect the fundamental […]

Tasmania is burning, and scientists are worried – ‘Climate is not only creating the precursor weather conditions for the fires, it is also providing the lightning storms that ignite them’

By Shreya Dasgupta 10 February 2016 (mongabay.com) – On January 13, dry lightning strikes sparked off a series of fires in northwest Tasmania that spread quickly. So far, the fires have ravaged more than 107,000 hectares of land, according to the Tasmanian Fire Service. As of Monday, there were 81 active fires across the state, […]

UN report: In Somalia, drought causes dire malnutrition situation – ‘The proportion of severely food-insecure people remains alarmingly high’

8 February 2016 (UN) – According to a new United Nations food security and nutrition assessment, the situation in Somalia is alarming and could get worse, especially in parts of Puntland and Somaliland, which have been hard hit by drought exacerbated by El Niño. “We are deeply concerned that the proportion of severely food insecure […]

Republic of Congo awards two million hectares of timber concessions, hinting ‘very strongly at illegal or corrupt allocation processes’

By John C. Cannon 11 February 2016 (mongabay.com) – The Republic of the Congo announced the allocation of 6 timber concessions on 8 January 2016 covering 2 million hectares (7,722 square miles), an area about the size of Israel. Two of the concessions were awarded ahead of government-established bid deadlines, an apparent breach of protocol, […]

Four billion people face severe water scarcity, new research finds – ‘The results imply the global water situation is much worse than suggested by previous studies’

By Damian Carrington  12 February 2016 (Guardian) – At least two-thirds of the global population, over 4 billion people, live with severe water scarcity for at least one month every year, according to a major new analysis. The revelation shows water shortages, one of the most dangerous challenges the world faces, is far worse previously […]

An open letter to the Australian Government from more than 2800 climate scientists

RE: Australia’s Climate Research Is Far From Done  Dear Representatives of the Australian public and appointees to the CSIRO Board,  The recent announcement of devastating cuts to the Australian CSIRO’s Oceans and Atmosphere research program has alarmed the global climate research community1. The decision to decimate a vibrant and worldleading research program shows a lack […]

Testing detects algal toxins in Alaska marine mammals – ‘What really surprised us was finding these toxins so widespread in Alaska, far north of where they have been previously documented’

By Michael MilsteinFebruary 2016 (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) – Toxins from harmful algae are present in Alaskan marine food webs in high enough concentrations to be detected in marine mammals from Southeast Alaska to the Arctic Ocean, including whales, walruses, sea lions, seals, porpoises and sea otters, according to new research published today [Prevalence of […]

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