‘Toxic soup of pesticides’ killing West Coast salmon

SEATTLE, Washington, April 21, 2009 (ENS) – Three pesticides – carbaryl, carbofuran, and methomyl – jeopardize the existence of protected salmon and steelhead, the National Marine Fisheries Service said in a formal biological opinion released Monday. All three of the pesticides assessed are neurotoxins. Exposure either immediately kills salmon or impairs their feeding, predator avoidance, […]

Kenya wildlife populations in drastic decline

In Masai Mara, one of Africa’s most treasured parks, researchers have found significant, in some cases catastrophic, declines of wild grazing animals. In fifteen years six of seven hoofed animals—giraffes, warthogs, hartebeest, impala, topis and waterbucks—showed declines. The study published in the British Journal of Zoology confirms what has long been expected: wildlife populations in […]

World's largest rivers shrinking

BOULDER, Colorado, April 21, 2009 (ENS) – Many of the greatest rivers in some of the world’s most populous regions are losing water, according to a new study of stream flow in 925 large rivers. Led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the study indicates that the reduced flows are associated with […]

Graph of the Day: New Office Construction vs. Vacancy Rate in San Diego

From Calculated Risk: Voit released quarterly reports today for CRE in Las Vegas, San Diego and Orange County. The reports show the vacancy rates are up, and lease rates (falling rents), net absorption, transactions and construction are all down. It appears new construction has all but stopped. Here are a couple of graphs for Orange […]

Small mammal decline in Bolivia linked to burning Amazon

During ten years surveying small mammal populations in Bolivia’s cerrado, Dr. Louise Emmons with the Smithsonian Institute found that the mammals were suffering precipitous declines, even local extinctions. After ruling out the usual suspects—local fires, rainfall, and flooding—Emmons formed a novel hypothesis regarding the decline. Could a sudden lack of nighttime dew caused by the […]

Heavy metal poisoning killing swans in Idaho

By Becky Kramer, The Spokesman-Review ROSE LAKE, Idaho — Even near death, tundra swans are graceful. Snowy necks arch and flex as the birds — victims of lead poisoning — gasp for breath. Wings rise and fall in rhythmic sweeps, but the birds are too weak to take flight. Their cries are soft, trilling sounds. […]

Ocean dead zones will expand as CO2 asphyxiates deep-sea animals

Low-oxygen “dead zones” in the ocean could expand significantly over the next century, according to marine chemists. These predictions are based on the fact that, as more and more carbon dioxide dissolves from the atmosphere into the ocean, marine animals will need more oxygen to survive. Concentrations of carbon dioxide are increasing rapidly in the […]

Penguins threatened by krill fishery

Already threatened by global warming, harvesting krill to supply omega-3 oil means danger for Antarctica’s penguins By Gerry Leape Fifty years ago, delegates from 12 nations – including the United States, Norway and Japan – gathered in Washington DC to discuss how to protect Antarctica, the only continent without a native human population. The result […]

Rainforest pillage continues in Madagascar

Gangs of illegal rosewood loggers continue to pillage the wildlife-rich forests of northeastern Madagascar, reports a local source. “More and more people are entering the [protected area] to cut wood,” said the source, whose identity has been concealed for protection. “All the rosewood — regardless of its diameter — will disappear.” The source adds that […]

Half of Canada's caribou herds face extinction

Tory dismissal of findings angers scientists Via Treehugger:   By Margaret Munro, Canwest News Service Half of Canada’s boreal caribou herds are in decline and could die off unless their habitat is better protected, says a federal report that points to logging and energy production as big threats to the reclusive creatures. Environment Canada released […]

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