Drowning in plastic: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of France

There are now 46000 pieces of plastic per square kilometre of the world’s oceans killing a million seabirds and 100000 marine mammals each year. Worse still there seems to be nothing we can do to clean it up. So how do we turn the tide? By Richard Grant Way out in the Pacific Ocean, in […]

British orchard losses 'threaten species'

Traditional fruit orchards are vanishing from England’s landscape – with serious consequences for wildlife, conservationists have warned. The National Trust says 60% have disappeared since the 1950s, putting local varieties of apples, cherries, pears, plums and damsons under threat. It is launching a £536,000 drive to reverse the decline of the orchards. Their trees provide […]

Climate change forces Eskimos to abandon village

By Azadeh Ansari (CNN) — The indigenous people of Alaska have stood firm against some of the most extreme weather conditions on Earth for thousands of years. But now, flooding blamed on climate change is forcing at least one Eskimo village to move to safer ground. Authorities have ordered about 340 residents of the tiny […]

Bolivia: water people of Andes face extinction

Climate change robs Uru Chipaya of lifeline that had sustained them for millennia By Rory Carroll and Andres Schipani in Santa Ana de Chipaya Its members belong to what is thought to be the oldest surviving culture in the Andes, a tribe that has survived for 4,000 years on the barren plains of the Bolivian […]

Graph of the Day: New Home Sales, 1963-2009

From Calculated Risk: The graph shows New Home Sales vs. Recessions for the last 45 years. New home sales have fallen off a cliff. Sales of new one-family houses in March 2009 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 356,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department […]

Record-low inflows to Murray-Darling Basin

The basin authority has launched a new website to be updated weekly with details of storage levels across parts of Queensland, NSW, Victoria and South Australia. It currently shows the dire position of Australia’s major water resources as a result of the ongoing drought. According to the latest figures storage levels across the basin are […]

Graph of the Day: Weekly Unemployment Claims, 1971-2009

From Calculated Risk: The graph shows weekly claims and continued claims since 1971. The four week moving average is at 646,750. Continued claims are now at 6.14 million – the all time record. … Unemployment Claims: Continued Claims at Record Technorati Tags: financial collapse

Desperate bid to save endangered Caribbean frogs from extinction

One of the world’s rarest species of amphibians has been airlifted to safety from Montserrat in a last-ditch attempt to save it from extinction See also: A billion frogs on world’s plates, accelerating amphibian extinctions and Fungus devastates ‘chicken’ frog. By Jessica Aldred and agencies Conservationists have rescued a number of critically endangered "mountain chicken" […]

Greenhouse gases rise despite global recession

WASHINGTON, DC, April 21, 2009 (ENS) – Atmospheric concentrations of two of the most potent global warming gases rose last year, according to a preliminary analysis for the annual greenhouse gas index compiled by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, which tracks data from 60 sites around the world. At the end of […]

Almost 90% of European fish stocks declining; 30% ‘beyond biological limits’; European fisheries commission admits failure

Europe’s Common Fisheries Policy has failed and a completely new fishing management system is needed, the European Commission has admitted. By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels A new Brussels position paper highlighted severe problems with fisheries and urged a complete rethink of a key European Union policy. EU officials have been forced to admit that, despite […]

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