(University of Alaska Fairbanks) The Greenland ice sheet is melting faster than expected according to a new study led by a University of Alaska Fairbanks researcher and published in the journal Hydrological Processes. Study results indicate that the ice sheet may be responsible for nearly 25 percent of global sea rise in the past 13 […]
By John Ross A LACK of food due to climate change has been blamed for a 19 per cent drop in Scotland’s seabird population over the past eight years. Experts say the decline, which is much greater than the 9 per cent drop for the UK as a whole, highlights a deeply worrying trend. The […]
Reindeer and caribou numbers are plummeting around the world. By Matt Walker The first global review of their status has found that reindeer and caribou numbers are plummeting around the world. It is increasingly difficult for the deer to survive in a world warmed by climate change and altered by industrial development, say scientists. The […]
By Geoff Morgan New research from Glacier National Park, Montana, indicates that the park’s glaciers are disappearing at faster rate than previously believed. Dr. Dan Fagre, of the United States Geological Survey, has studied the glaciers and ecology of Glacier National Park since 1991, and is now suggesting that all glaciers in the national park […]
ROCHESTER, New York, June 9, 2009 (ENS) – During pregnancy, exposure to a toxic family of chemicals called dioxins harms the cells in rapidly-changing breast tissue, according to new research from the University of Rochester Medical Center. The researchers believe their findings, although only demonstrated in mice at this point, may explain why some women […]
Satellite images released by NASA show nearly complete destruction of Rwanda’s Gishwati Forest between 1986 and 2001. Deforestation of the forest reserve is largely the result of subsistence harvesting and cultivation by refugees in the aftermath of the country’s 1994 genocide. Overall only 600 hectares of Gishwati’s original 100,000 hectares of forest remain, a […]
By Andy Coghlan In just 40 years, the Caribbean’s spectacular branched corals have been flattened. Research reveals that the corals have been replaced by shorter rival species – and points to climate change as at least partly to blame. Most of the reefs have lost all the intricate, tree-like corals that until the 1970s provided […]
As the frozen soil in the Arctic thaws, bacteria will break down organic matter, releasing long-stored carbon into the warming atmosphere. At the same time, plants will proliferate, nurtured by balmier temperatures, more nutrients from decomposing soil and the increasing abundance of the greenhouse gas they depend on for growth. These connected but contrasting changes […]
I interviewed by email Dr. Mark Serreze, recently named director of The National Snow and Ice Data Center. Partly I wanted him to explain his “death spiral” metaphor for Arctic ice (see NSIDC: Arctic melt passes the point of no return, “We hate to say we told you so, but we did”). … CP: […]
Written by Jonathan Tirone / Bloomberg The Maldives, one of the nations most threatened by global warming, is appealing to the United Nations space agency to help the island country plan its defenses against rising sea levels. “Beach erosion is the No. 1 problem for our country right now,” Environment Minister Abdulla Shahid said over […]