‘This could be the year that causes the coho to go extinct’

By Peter Fimrite, Chronicle Staff Writer The key spawning grounds for what was once the greatest run of salmon on the North Coast are close to being as dry as they have ever been, according to biologists and the U.S. Geological Survey. As California bakes under a third year of drought, the Scott and Shasta […]

Multidrug-resistant Staph found on Puget Sound beaches

SAN FRANCISCO, California, September 13, 2009 (ENS) – Samples of sand and water from five beaches around the Puget Sound have tested positive for a multidrug resistant form of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. This potentially fatal strain of staph is resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dr. Marilyn Roberts, a professor […]

Kenya seeks millions to save Mau forest, avert water crisis

NAIROBI, Kenya, September 14,2009 (ENS) – A multimillion dollar appeal to save the Mau Forests Complex, the most important source of water for human consumption in the Rift Valley and Western Kenya, was launched by the government of Kenya at a forum hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme last week. Continued destruction of these […]

Royal Society webcast: Is the Great Barrier Reef on death row?

Dr J.E.N. “Charlie” VeronEvent: Joint event with Zoological Society of LondonThe Royal Society, 6 July 2009. Webcast. Is the Great Barrier Reef on death row? (webcast) Via Ocean Acidification  Technorati Tags: ocean acidification,coral

Time-lapse video of rapid deglaciation

Just about everywhere you look ice is melting — see USGS report details “recent dramatic shrinkage” in U.S. glaciers, matching global decline. Here is a very impressive presentation from a 2009 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference:  “Photographer James Balog shares new image sequences from the Extreme Ice Survey, a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers […]

Climate change depresses beer drinkers

IF THE sinking Maldives aren’t enough to galvanise action on climate change, could losing a classic beer do it? Climatologist Martin Mozny of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and colleagues say that the quality of Saaz hops – the delicate variety used to make pilsner lager – has been decreasing in recent years. They say the […]

Graph of the Day: Timing of Flowering in Greenland, 1996-2008

Direct and rapid responses to recent Arctic climate change have included earlier flowering of plants in Greenland [replicate slopes for each genus are based on annual estimates from 1996 to 2008 in Zackenberg; adapted from T. T. Høye, E. Post, H. Meltofte, N. M. Schmidt, M. C. Forchhammer, Curr. Biol. 17, R449 (2007)]. Eric Post, […]

Deforestation and drought turning Malawi into desert

NKAYA, 11 September 2009 (IRIN) – Degradation of the environment is reaching alarming levels in Nkaya in southern Malawi, where people have to walk ever greater distances to collect firewood and water. Mayi Chambo, a village head in Nkaya, blamed charcoal makers for the deforestation. This is her story. “In the 1980s we had lush […]

EU gives Ethiopia 10 million euros for drought victims

Addis Ababa (AFP) Sept 10, 2009 – The European Union granted Ethiopia 10 million euros (14.5 million dollars) to help feed more than six million people in need of emergency aid due to drought, the bloc said Thursday. “Ethiopia faces growing humanitarian challenges which are largely due to climate change,” EU’s country representative Dino Sinigallia […]

Graph of the Day: Temperature Anomalies for 113 Arctic Stations, 1880-2009

From Tamino: Several things are abundantly clear: The “sudden recent warming” is right there. For every grid. Just open your eyes. For every grid the last decade is the warmest. Over the last 3 decades, 108 out of 113 individual stations indicate warming, 48 of 113 are significant at 95% confidence, none show significant cooling. […]

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