Ocean acidification hits larval stage of shellfish

Relatively minor increases in ocean acidity brought about by high levels of carbon dioxide have significant detrimental effects on the growth, development, and survival of hard clams, bay scallops, and Eastern oysters, according to researchers at Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. In one of the first studies looking at the effect […]

Graph of the Day: Retreat of Jakobshavn Glacier, 1851-2009

Jakobshavn Glacier in western Greenland has been rapidly losing ice from its terminus for more than a decade due to warm water currents reaching up the fjord. The arrow indicates direction of discharge, while the glacier retreats back towards the Greenland Ice Sheet. Another study focused on western Greenland’s Jakobshavn Isbrae responsible for draining 7 […]

Colombia's endangered species at the mercy of jungle drug cartels

A global campaign will make young people aware of the danger the illicit drug trade represents to hundreds of species in Colombia’s rainforests By Jamie Doward, The Observer, Sunday 25 October 2009 Until recently, the Gorgeted Puffleg was rather obscure – in fact, until four years ago it did not officially exist. But although the […]

Abandoned house auction fails to sell off Detroit’s urban wasteland

By Kevin Krolicki DETROIT (Reuters) – In a crowded ballroom next to a bankrupt casino, what remains of the Detroit property market was being picked over by speculators and mostly discarded. After five hours of calling out a drumbeat of “no bid” for properties listed in an auction book as thick as a city phone […]

Arizona desert farms reconsidered as resources vanish

By Shaun McKinnon – Oct. 25, 2009 12:00 AMThe Arizona Republic YUMA – Along its final miles, the Colorado River snakes through a dizzying series of dams, canals, siphons and ditches, diverted to hundreds of users in Arizona and California until barely a trickle remains. What flows through this watery Grand Central Station could fill […]

Amazon natives say they will defend tribal lands from Hunt Oil with ‘their lives’

By Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com, October 25, 2009 Indigenous natives in the Amazon are headed to the town of Salvacion in Peru with a plan to forcibly remove the Texas-based Hunt Oil company from their land as early as today. Peruvian police forces, numbering in the hundreds, are said to be waiting in the town. The […]

36 football fields deforested each minute

By Staff Writers, Buenos Aires (AFP) Oct 22, 2009 The equivalent of 36 football fields are being stripped from the world’s forests each minute, the environmental group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said in a statement released here on Thursday. The group, presenting its figures during a UN-organized World Forestry Congress held in the […]

NOAA: Warming of the Arctic continues to be widespread and dramatic

By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer WASHINGTON — Global warming is messing with the planet’s thermostat. That warning came Thursday from Richard Spinrad, head of research at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in releasing the annual update of science’s Arctic report card [pdf]. Warming temperatures continue in the polar north, changing wind patterns, […]

Desperate plan to freeze coral samples as reef ecosystems die

By Matt McGrathBBC News, Copenhagen The prospects of saving the world’s coral reefs now appear so bleak that plans are being made to freeze samples to preserve them for the future. A meeting in Denmark took evidence from researchers that most coral reefs will not survive even if tough regulations on greenhouse gases are put […]

Foam from ocean algae bloom killing thousands of birds along Oregon and Washington coast

By Lynne Terry, The OregonianOctober 22, 2009, 7:36PM A slimy foam churning up from the ocean has killed thousands seabirds and washed many others ashore, stripped of their waterproofing and struggling for life. The birds have been clobbered by an unusual algae bloom stretching from the northern Oregon coast to the tip of the Olympic […]

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