The diagram shows the development of U.K. natural gas gross imports and the composition of the imports. Belgium does not export natural gas, but this is gas imported through the Interconnector between Zeebrugge in Belgium and Bacton in U.K. from other sources and ultimately most likely Russia. How Close will the U.K. Come to Running […]
(Oregon State University) The Swiss needle cast epidemic in Douglas-fir forests of the coastal Pacific Northwest is continuing to intensify, appears to be unprecedented over at least the past 100 years, and is probably linked to the extensive planting of Douglas-fir along the coast and a warmer climate, new research concludes. Scientists in the College […]
April 7, 2010 – 12:35PM (AAP) A marine expert says part of the Great Barrier Reef faces a damaging double whammy from an oil leak and chemicals used to disperse it. Associate Professor Peter Harrison, the director of Marine Studies at Southern Cross University, says coral spawning could be affected later this year. Several tonnes […]
Wild Zebras stand in a container to be loaded onto waiting trucks by Kenya Wildlife Service officers, KWS, at Soysambu conservancy in Nakuru, Kenya for their translocation to Amboseli national park on February 10, 2010. Kenyan game rangers began rounding up thousands of zebras to be moved to a reserve where starving lions have been […]
After increasing during much of the 20th century, forest cover in the eastern United States in recent decades has resumed its previous decline, according to an exhaustive new analysis published in the April 2010 issue of BioScience. The work is described in an article by Mark A. Drummond and Thomas R. Loveland of the US […]
Published: 10:15AM BST 07 Apr 2010 The lethal mauve stingers – Pelagia noctiluca in Latin – are tiny but can cover hundreds of thousands of square miles in one “bloom”. They are normally found in the Mediterranean and Caribbean. But billions of them are swarming far more frequently into waters in the north east Atlantic […]
Reporting by Timothy Gardner; Editing by Lisa ShumakerWASHINGTONTue Apr 6, 2010 11:20am EDT (Reuters) – For the first time in 10 years Americans are more likely to say the United States should give more priority to developing oil, natural gas and coal than to protecting the environment, according to a poll on Tuesday. The poll […]
By PETER KERApril 5, 2010 THEY are enthusiastic young farmers with an eye on the latest technology and a belief that Victoria must modernise its farming sector to survive. They want to help feed the masses for decades to come, and hope one of their four sons – all younger than eight – will one […]
Solomons, Md. (April 6, 2010) – New research by a team of ecologists and hydrologists shows that water temperatures are increasing in many streams and rivers throughout the United States. The research, published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, documents that 20 major U.S. streams and rivers – including such prominent rivers […]
CITYWATCHBy Ken Draper “The question I have been asked most often during the budget crisis,” says LA Controller Wendy Greuel, “is when the City will run out of money?” “Unfortunately,” she tells the Council and the Mayor, “we finally have that answer … the City’s General Fund will be out of money … in fact […]