Infections link to bees decline

  By Katia MoskvitchScience reporter, BBC News  Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in honeybees could be caused by a “synergy” between groups of fungi and viruses. US researchers claim to have identified a new potential cause for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in honeybees. The disease is responsible for wiping out many beekeepers’ entire colonies over the […]

Tennessee’s 1000-year flood: Rainfall at 15 sites exceeded Hurricane Katrina maxima

What is a 100 year flood? A 100 year flood is an event that statistically has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year. A 500 year flood has a .2% chance of occurring and a 1000 year flood has a .1% chance of occurring. The map below relates [the] amount of rainfall that […]

Video: Live oil spill cam

wkrg_oil_spill on Broadcast Live Free The Oil Drum: Live Comment Thread with Top Kill Video Technorati Tags: oil production,oil spill,pollution,Gulf of Mexico,North America

Oil cleanup workers report illness

By Nicole Santa Cruz and Julie Cart, Los Angeles TimesMay 26, 2010 Reporting from Venice, La., and Los Angeles Some fishermen who have been hired by BP to clean up the gulf oil spill say they have become ill after working long hours near waters fouled with oil and dispersant, prompting a Louisiana lawmaker to […]

Oil spill clean-up workers report feeling ‘drugged, disoriented’

This was to be expected. Last week, the wives of some of the fishermen spoke out publicly about the symptoms their husbands were experiencing. This week, some fishermen are starting to come forward. In this WDSU TV interview, one of the fishermen reports feeling drugged, disoriented, tingling, fatigued, and also reporting shortness of breath and […]

Madagascar water fowl declared extinct

  A tawny water fowl that lived in a tiny corner of Madagascar has officially been declared extinct by conservationists. The Alaotra grebe, also called the rusty grebe, had been highly vulnerable as it was found only in Lake Alaotra, eastern Madagascar, according to the Swiss-based International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which compiles […]

20th century one of driest in 9 centuries for northwest Africa

(University of Arizona) Droughts in the late 20th century rival some of North Africa’s major droughts of centuries past, reveals new research that peers back in time to the year 1179. The first multi-century drought reconstruction that includes Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia shows frequent and severe droughts during the 13th and 16th centuries and the […]

Polar bears face ‘tipping point’

  Climate change will trigger a dramatic and sudden decline in the number of polar bears, a new study has concluded. The research is the first to directly model how changing climate will affect polar bear reproduction and survival. Based on what is known of polar bear physiology, behaviour and ecology, it predicts pregnancy rates […]

Historic drought spurs life-or-death struggles in Kilimanjaro's shadow

  By MICHAEL BURNHAM AND NATHANIAL GRONEWOLD of GreenwirePublished: May 25, 2010 AMBOSELI NATIONAL PARK, Kenya – … When the rains failed for the second straight year in 2009, plants withered to their roots in this critical dry-season refuge. Marshes and the shallow bed of Lake Amboseli, usually fed by seasonal rains and runoff from […]

Oysters are uniquely sensitive to Gulf of Mexico oil spill

By Bob Marshall, The Times-PicayuneMay 25, 2010, 6:37PM To most of us, an oyster is a morsel from heaven smiling from its open shell or resting on a cloud of French bread. But to researcher Earl Melancon, it is much more. The oyster is to Louisiana’s estuaries what the fabled canary was to coal mine […]

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