Video: Pakistan villages still under water four months after floods

By Rania Abouzeid and Haji Jan Mohammad Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010 Dozens of people with outstretched arms welcome the chopper as its rotors kick up swirls of gritty dust from the cracked, mud-caked earth of Haji Jan Mohammad — a poor agricultural village transformed into a desolate island by waist-deep floodwaters that stretch to the […]

Serious offshore drilling incidents on the rise – ‘People can forget to be afraid’

By RUSSELL GOLD And BEN CASSELMANDecember 8, 2010 The oil industry has said the Deepwater Horizon rig catastrophe was a unique event, the result of an unprecedented series of missteps that are unlikely to be repeated. The recent history of offshore drilling suggests otherwise. In the months before and after the rig exploded and sank, […]

Beekeepers and activists demand EPA remove pesticide linked to bee deaths

  By Sami Grover, Carrboro, NC, USA  12.10.2010 The puzzle of the red bees of Brooklyn may now be solved, but conclusive answers regarding the larger honeybee mystery of Colony Collapse Disorder remain elusive. Nevertheless, in my roundup post about the epic fight to save the bees, I noted that the British Beekeepers Association had […]

Climate scientist warns world of widespread suffering if further climate change is not forestalled

By Earle Holland8 Dec 2010 (Ohio State University) Lonnie Thompson, distinguished university professor in the School of Earth Sciences at Ohio State University, posed that possibility in a just-released special climate-change edition of the journal The Behavior Analyst. He also discussed how the rapid and accelerating retreat of the world’s glaciers and ice sheets dramatically […]

Melting glaciers threaten floods in Himalayas, Andes

By Christopher Buckley; editing by Cynthia OstermanTue Dec 7, 2010 3:23pm EST CANCUN, Mexico (Reuters) – Residents of the Himalayas and other mountain areas face a “tough and unpredictable future” as global warming melts glaciers and threatens worse floods and water loss, officials said during U.N. climate talks on Tuesday. A study said that glaciers […]

Image of the Day: Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality on Whitebark Pine Trees in the Bridger-Teton National Forest

By Jim Bouldin24 October 2010 Red foliage is one thing you’re not supposed to see a lot of in western North America, any time of year. In many places in the west–particularly through the central and northern Rocky Mountains and British Columbia–there is now a lot of red foliage, but unfortunately, it’s not just in […]

Fire disaster in Israel is a typical example of expected climate change effects in the Mediterranean

ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2010) — The fire disaster in the Carmel Mountains near Haifa is a typical example of climate change effect and a taste of the future, says Dr. Guy Pe’er, one of the authors of Israel’s first report to the UN on climate change. Ten years ago, Dr. Pe’er and other Israeli scientists […]

Phosphorus pollution from farms causing Chesapeake Bay dead zones

CONTACT: Contact EWG Public Affairs 202-667-698212-07-2010 WASHINGTON – For more than thirty years, contamination from high-intensity farming has been adding to the pollution that fouls Chesapeake Bay, one of America’s most storied waterways. A new report from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) shows that weakly regulated agricultural practices in the six states of the Chesapeake […]

Australia’s wettest spring on record causing floods, crop failures, evacuations, and locust plagues – ‘2010 held so much hope for our farmers’

By Hamish Boland-RudderDecember 7, 2010 AS NSW counts the cost of crop losses, evacuations, and property destruction brought by flooding rains, communities are preparing to deal with the human side of the disaster. The Macquarie River, which flows through the Warren Shire, has reached its highest level in 20 years after more than 100 millimetres […]

Receding glaciers on Mount Rainier threaten park’s major roadways

By Jeffrey P. Mayor, The Tacoma News Tribune12/06/1012:01 pm The greatest threat to the busiest road in Mount Rainier National Park is the mountain itself. Receding glaciers, loose rocks and boulders, glacial outbursts and debris flows could combine to cut off Nisqually-Paradise Road. Half the 1.2 million people who typically visit the park each year […]

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