The Javan rhinoceros is an extremely rare mammal with thick gray skin that folds into a saddle around the neck. With many adults weighing more than 4,000 pounds, it is a very large animal. It has a single horn on the tip of its snout that grows to about 10 inches. It is a solitary nocturnal animal found only in the forests of Southeast Asia. It is threatened throughout its range by hunting and habitat loss. Pictures: AP Photo

By Lee Poston,
May 10, 2010 WASHINGTON, DC, May 10, 2010 – A Javan rhino was found dead late last week in Vietnam’s Cat Tien National Park, further endangering the population of one of the world’s rarest large mammals, World Wildlife Fund announced today. It is now uncertain how many, if any, Javan rhinos are left in Vietnam. Poaching is the most likely cause, as an examination by WWF and national park authorities found the rhino had been shot in the leg and the horn had been hacked off. Rhino horn is a highly valued commodity in the illegal wildlife trade, while rhino skin and feces are used for alleged medicinal purposes. Vietnam’s Javan rhinos are one of only two populations of the species left on Earth. Official estimates say there are fewer than 60 Javan rhinos left. The largest population of approximately 40-60 is found in Ujung Kulon National Park, Java, Indonesia. There are no Javan rhinos in captivity in the world.  “This is a devastating development for the long term prospects of this critically endangered species,” said Barney Long, WWF Senior Program Officer for Asian Species. “This loss is symbolic of the grim situation facing Vietnam’s many endangered species, including rhinos, elephants, tigers and the saola. We hope it triggers a response from the government of Vietnam to invest the required resources into saving its globally outstanding biodiversity.” Local people first reported finding the body of a large mammal to National Park authorities on April 29. A forest patrol team was immediately deployed to the site, where they confirmed the dead animal was a Javan rhino. “WWF urges the Vietnamese government to launch an immediate and extensive criminal investigation into this incident,” Long said. It is a criminal offense under Vietnamese law to trade, use or consume any part of an endangered animal such as the Javan rhino. Those convicted of this crime can face imprisonment and large fines. Rhino poaching worldwide hit a 15-year high in 2009. The illegal trade is driven by an Asian demand for horns, made worse by increasingly sophisticated poachers. Vietnam was highlighted as a country of particular concern at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) meeting in March. Vietnamese nationals operating in South Africa have recently been identified in rhino crime investigations. …

Javan Rhino Found Dead in Vietnam