Drought Stages Progression in Kenya, June-December 2010. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) / reliefweb.int

The lives and livelihood of communities living in arid and semi-arid lands were affected by the worsening drought conditions in 2010. Wajir district, in northern Kenya was the worst hit and continued to record deterioration of pasture, livestock body conditions, and access to water since August 2010. Worsening conditions were also reported in parts of Turkana, Baringo, West Pokot (north western), Kilifi, Kwale (coastal Kenya), Laikipia (central), and Mandera (north eastern) districts. Wajir and Marsabit (northern) districts recorded frequent breakdown of pumps owing to elongated water pumping hours that were necessitated by high livestock concentration. Loss of livelihood and injuries were reported during cross-border conflicts in Marsabit, West Pokot, Turkana, and Baringo districts. Food availablity was poor and market prices escalated in the worst-hit areas, further increasing vulnerability. Improvements of access to water, quality, and quantity of pasture were reported in parts of Nyeri, Mwingi, Samburu, Mbeere, Msambweni (central), Kwale, Taita Taveta, and Tana River (south eastern) districts. Immediate and urgent interventions are required in districts that recorded worsening conditions. Source: Arid lands resource Management Programme bulletins

Drought Stages Progression in Kenya, June 2010-December 2010 [pdf]