Aerial view of mountain pine beetle infestation, Prince George, BC, Canada, 21 June 2007 in Otway, British Columbia, CA. D. J. Huber via Here’s a lovely essay on doom from killing Mother, via Gail. The whole thing is worth a read and makes a nice bookend with Gail’s recent post, “Coping With Our Demise”.

[…] Being the scientist and avid student of human behavior that I am, in reality, sadly, I do not hold out much hope for our species in the long run. Sure, we have solutions, but we lack the cultural and universal will that will be required to enact them. My authentic self just can’t buy into the rainbows and sunshine and happily ever after. I do have a bright vision for the future of nature. It is one that involves a Planet Earth with many, many fewer people on it (2 billion maximum), limited technology and cultures that value all life, not just human life, equally. This vision is a solution, but getting there is not going to be pretty. When one looks objectively at the numbers and the science, suggesting a painless and pretty solution is just not authentic. […]

Life is Good, and it goes on…