Decile rank of total rainfall in New South Wales, Australia for July 2018. July 2018 was the fifth-driest July on record and driest since 2002 for New South Wales as a whole. Graphic: Bureau of Meteorology

1 August 2018 (Bureau of Meteorology) – Rainfall was very much below average for most of New South Wales in July 2018, except in the northeast. Daytime temperatures were very much warmer than average, while night time temperatures were mostly cooler than average, including areas of coldest on record in parts of the northwest.

Much drier than average

  • Fifth-driest July on record and driest since 2002 for New South Wales as a whole.
  • Drier than average across all but the northeast which was generally close to average.
  • Much of the State’s northwest had little or no rain for the month.
  • Many sites had either their lowest total July rainfall on record or their lowest total July rainfall for at least 20 years.
  • Fewer or weaker rain-bearing systems crossed New South Wales, with more high pressure systems influencing the State’s weather.
  • July 2018 continued a run of seven consecutive months of below average rainfall for New South Wales as a whole.
  • NSW had its driest January to July period since 1965.
  • Longer term rainfall deficiencies in New South Wales increased in severity and spatial extent.
  • The highest totals were observed in parts of the northeast and South West Slopes and Snowy Mountains where monthly totals exceeded 40 mm.
  • In the Northern Tablelands, there was heavy rain early in the month with July totals there close to average; Point Lookout had its highest July daily rainfall on record and its highest total July rainfall on record.
  • The highest recorded total for the month was 171.2 mm at Perisher Valley.
  • July 2017 was also much drier than average in many parts of New South Wales.

Warm days, cool nights

Strong winds at times, and snow

  • Thredbo recorded the highest wind gusts of the month with a gust of 126 km/h on the 29th, followed by gusts of 120 km/h on the 5th, 6th, and 17th, all with cold fronts.
  • Snow depths in alpine regions were slightly above the July average.


New South Wales in July 2018: much drier than average with warm days and cool nights