From TreeHugger:

Mountain goats in Glacier National Park. Photo by jessicafm via Flickr.  From the Arctic to the Rockies to the Mediterranean, species large and small are changing their migratory patterns and seeking more hospitable homes. Why? Climate change affects weather conditions, hunting grounds, and the availability of water and favored food supplies. Those that can up and move are the lucky ones–for now–but each relocation affects food chains and habitats, often in ways we can’t yet predict. These nine critters are just a few of those being rousted from their regular watering holes by global warming. 1. Mountain Goats Running Out of Room Mountain goats in the alpine reaches of the Northern Rockies may have gone as high as they can go in search of summer grazing areas, as the snowfields that provide water for the plants they eat melt more and more rapidly. Reports Sierra magazine: “In recent years these tough, resilient creatures have been losing ground in much of their traditional range, dwindling in many places to populations in the low double digits.” …

9 Ways Climate Change Has Animals Running (Flying and Swimming) for Their Lives