Murray River System Daily water Inflows, November 2009. Murray-Darling Basin authority

For the week ending 2 December there was welcome rain across the lower half of the Murray-Darling Basin (see Map 1). The highest rainfall was recorded in the Snowy Mountains at Charlotte Pass with 80 mm and in the Victorian Alps with Mt Buffalo receiving 72mm. Notably, many regions such as the Riverina, the western regions of NSW, the lower Murray Valley in South Australia and the upper north of Victoria all recorded rainfalls of at least 40 mm. Streamflow response from this rain has been minimal with flow in many of the upper Murray rivers remaining fairly steady over the week. For instance, Hinnomunjie on the Mitta Mitta River is now at 820 ML/day from 750 ML/day last week. Similarly, Rocky Point on the Ovens River started and finished this week with a flow of around 1,180 ML/day.

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