Screenshot from “Honest Government Ad: AI” by The Juice Media. Photo: The Juice Media
Screenshot from “Honest Government Ad: AI” by The Juice Media. Photo: The Juice Media

29 June 2024 (The Juice Media) – The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

29 June 2024: Honest Government Ad | AI by The Juice Media. Video: The Juice Media

[…] “So we don’t need to worry about AI harming humans?”

“Oh no, you do. See, the killer-robots aren’t just to distract from BigTechbro billionaires gaining even more power.

“They’re also to distract from how companies and governments are using AI to fuck everyone and everything.

“By making you work harder at shittier, more precarious jobs for less pay and under constant surveillance.

“By replicating a system of oppression with biased and racist algorithms, automating human rights abuses and war crimes and mass-surveillance regimes, draining the planet’s resources at even higher rates, and most importantly, by flooding your entire information ecosystem with so much bullshit and misinformation that nobody knows what’s true anymore.

“Thus sowing division and mistrust and leading to the collapse of democracy.”

“On no! How long have we got before AI reaches these capabilities? 10 years?”

“No, you idiot. These threats don’t require any further advances in AI technology. They’re all happening right now.” [more]

Honest Government Ad: AI