Last freshwater Irrawaddy dolphin in northeastern Cambodia entangled in fishing net and dies – Statue to be erected on bank of Mekong River to commemorate its existence

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, 16 February 2022 (AP) – The last surviving freshwater Irrawaddy dolphin on a stretch of the Mekong River in northeastern Cambodia has died, apparently after getting tangled in a fishing net, wildlife officials said Wednesday.
The aquatic mammal was found dead Tuesday on a riverbank in Stung Treng province, near the border with Laos, Cambodia’s Fisheries Conservation Department announced on its Facebook page.
The Irrawaddy dolphin, also known as the Mekong River dolphin, is classified as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Other groups of these dolphins are still to be found farther downstream in Cambodia and in two other freshwater rivers — Myanmar’s Irrawaddy and Indonesia’s Mahakam on the island of Borneo.

The first census of Irrawaddy dolphins in Cambodia in 1997 estimated their total population was about 200. In 2020, the population was estimated to have fallen to 89, almost all in the group that still exists downstream from Stung Treng.
“The remaining population of ‘critically endangered’ river dolphins in the Cambodia section of the Mekong is now stable, whilst still facing serious challenges,” said a statement from Lan Mercado, Asia-Pacific director of the World Wildlife Fund. “This latest river dolphin death highlights how vulnerable these and other species remain.”
The tail of the dolphin that died Tuesday was seen tangled in a fishing net about a week earlier, the Cambodian state news agency AKP reported. It said the dolphin was unable to swim properly after that and died due to its injury and inability to catch its usual prey for nourishment. [more]
Last freshwater Irrawaddy dolphin in northeastern Cambodia dies

The Last Irrawaddy Dolphin in Anlong Chheuteal Died
Phnom Penh, 17 February 2022 (AKP) – Despite efforts made to save it, the Irrawaddy Dolphin inhabiting in Anlong Chheuteal section of the Mekong River between Cambodia’s Stung Treng and the Champasak province of Laos has died.
The update was shared by Mr. Ouk Vibol, Director of Department of Fisheries Conservation of the Fisheries Administration following the death on Feb. 15.
According to Mr. Ouk Vibol, the corpse of the sole dolphin in that section of the Mekong was found at its habitat by a fisherman.
Mr. Srey Sam Vichet, Acting Director of the Stung Treng Fisheries Administration District Office, shared that the passed dolphin weighted 110 kg and was 2.34 metres long.
The Fisheries Administration in cooperation with WWF-Cambodia will erect a dolphin statue at the bank of Mekong River at Anlong Chheuteal to commemorate its existence there. [more]