Temperature forecast in Northern Territory, Australia for 23:00 AEDT on 12 December 2018. Graphic: Australian Bureau of Meteorology

11 December 2018 (NT News) – Did your air con just not cut it in Darwin last night?

Well, no surprises there because the Top End capital has just sweltered through its hottest ever night on record.
In a message on social media this morning the Bureau of Meteorology (Northern Territory) posted: “This will not be a false alarm. Since 9am Tues morning, the temperature at Darwin Airport has not dropped below 30C, breaking the previous record of 29.7C”.
The previous overnight minimum record of 29.7C was recorded on Tuesday morning so it’s been a sweltering two nights in a row for Darwin residents.
A Bureau spokesman said they were not expecting much in the way of rain over Darwin for the next few days so, unfortunately, not much relief from the skies on the horizon.

Darwin swelters through hottest night ever recorded