Imazon's SAD bulletin on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon for August 2018. In August 2018, 545 km² of deforestation were detected by SAD (deforestation alert system) in the Amazon rainforest. This number represents an increase of 199 percent over the same month of the previous year. Graphic: Imazon

By Stefania Costa
24 September 2018(Imazon) – In August 2018, SAD detected 545 square kilometers of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, an increase of 199% in relation to August 2017, when deforestation totaled 182 square kilometers. In August 2018, deforestation occurred in Pará (37%), Mato Grosso (20%), Amazonas (19%), Rondônia (16%), Acre (7%), Roraima (1%) and Tocantins %). The degraded forests in the Legal Amazon totaled 118 square kilometers in August 2018, presenting a reduction of 70% compared to August 2017, when the detected forest degradation totaled 392 square kilometers. In August 2018, degradation was detected in the states of Mato Grosso (89%), Pará (10%) and Rondônia (1%).In August 2018, the majority (55%) of deforestation occurred in private areas or under various stages of ownership. The remaining deforestation was recorded in the Agrarian Reform Settlements (23%), Conservation Units (18%) and Indigenous Lands (4%). [Translation by Google. –Des]Facebook summary: 545 km² of deforestation were detected by SAD (deforestation alert system) in the Amazon rainforest in August 2018. This number represents an increase of 199 percent over the same month of the previous year. Pará, Mato Grosso, Amazonas, and Rondônia lead the ranking of forest destruction. [Translation by Facebook. –Des]

Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (agosto 2018) SAD