Amazon deforestation in Brazil increased by 249 percent in March 2018, compared with March 2017
By Antônio Fonseca, Marcelo Justino, Dalton Cardoso, Júlia Gabriela Ribeiro, Rodney Solomão, Carlos Souza Jr., and Adalberto Veríssimo
20 April 2018
(Imazon) – In March 2018, SAD detected 287 square kilometers of deforestation in the Amazon forest. In this bulletin, the fraction of deforestation between 1 and 10 hectares was 18% of the total detected (44 square kilometers). Considering only the alerts from 10 hectares, there was an increase of 249% in relation to March 2017, when deforestation totaled 71 square kilometers. In March 2018, deforestation occurred in Mato Grosso (40%), Roraima (21%), Pará (18%), Amazonas (14%) and Rondônia (7%).
The degraded forests in the Amazon forest totaled 102 square kilometers in March 2018. In relation to March 2017 there was an increase of 28%, when the forest degradation totaled 74 square kilometers. In March 2018 the degradation was detected in Roraima (95%) and Mato Grosso (5%). [Translation by Google.]