Ivanka Trump. Photo: Michael Sohn / AP

By Jonathan Swan
4 May 2017 (Axios) – Ivanka Trump will meet with EPA administrator Scott Pruitt on Tuesday morning at the White House before a crucial meeting regarding President Trump’s decision to stay or leave the Paris climate accord. The president’s daughter, who serves as a senior White House advisor, is passionate about combating global warming and turned heads when she brought climate activist Al Gore to Trump Tower during the presidential transition. Sources inside the White House say the president’s inclination has been to pull out, but Ivanka has set up a process to go through the decision and ensure he hears all the facts before making his decision. White House sources say she wants the U.S. to remain in the Paris accord, but that her main objective is to ensure the president has all the information he needs to make his decision. Trump has previously promised to get the U.S. out of Obama’s Paris deal, but he’s more recently indicated that he’s listening to all perspectives. No decisions have been made, and both Jared and Ivanka want the president to have full visibility of all the downsides of exiting this international agreement. [more]

Ivanka Trump and EPA chief set to meet over the Paris climate agreement