Members of the scientific community, environmental advocates, and supporters demonstrate on Sunday, 19 February 2017, in Boston, to call attention to what they say are the increasing threats to science and scientific research under the administration of President Trump. Signs bear slogans like, 'Make America Smart Again' and 'Science Not Silence'. Photo: Steven Senne / AP Photo 

By Patrick Reilly
20 February 2017 (The Christian Science Monitor) – As temperatures climbed above the 50 degrees F., on Sunday, many Bostonians enjoyed the February weekend outdoors on the city’s bike trails and waterfronts. But for those who gathered in Copley Square downtown, the unseasonable warmth was just the latest evidence of their cause for concern. “Climate change is not a controversy,” read one sign at yesterday’s “Rally to Stand Up for Science,” which drew hundreds to the historic downtown plaza. Other slogans were more lighthearted, arguing that “Trump’s team are like atoms – They make up everything.”  Whether the signs provoked laughs or stoked outrage among onlookers, the rally’s attendees shared a sense of concern for the future of scientific research in the United States – particularly climate science – under President Trump. Sunday’s protest added to the growing movement of scientists across the country who are voicing activist views on the Trump administration’s emerging policies. “We’re really trying to send a message today to Mr. Trump that America runs on science, science is the backbone of our prosperity and progress,” said Geoffrey Supran, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, who studies renewable energy, to the Associated Press. This sentiment has spread after Trump, who once dismissed climate change as a “hoax,” won the presidential election in November. In the months that followed, Trump and his transition team have requested the names of Energy Department climate scientists, nominated fossil-fuel advocate Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency, and reduced that agency’s representation at a recent Alaska environmental conference. [more]

Science activism on the rise: Boston rally is latest iteration