Officer loading 12 gauge shotgun while Standing Rock Sioux women, children, and elderly are at prayer, 28 September 2016. Photo:

28 September 2016 ( – Today, indigenous water protectors once again arrived at a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site to halt work and hold prayer ceremonies. Police arrived with several military-style armored vehicles, and threatened water protectors with shotguns. We are hearing reports of up to 21 arrests. Livestream footage clip: Live video: “They dropped tear gas, we are surrounded by police.”
”They are moving in.”
”They won’t let us leave. They have us locked in on both sides.”
”They’ve got their weapons drawn.”
”They’ve got snipers on top of the hill.”
”They are blocking me on Facebook.”
”They are arresting everyone now. Everyone is running.”
”Share this far and wide.”

Standing Rock Breaking News Surrounded by Police: Wed. Sept. 28, 2016