Speaking at the Heartland Institute's climate denier conference in Washington DC on 11 June 2015, Lamar Smith, a Republican member of the US House of Representatives, declared war on the Obama administration, NASA, and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to undermine attempts to prevent dangerous climate change. Photo: Heartland Institute

By Kyla Mandel
11 June 2015 (Desmog UK) – Lamar Smith, a Republican member of the US House of Representatives, has declared war on the Obama administration, NASA and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to undermine attempts to prevent dangerous climate change, report Kyla Mandel and Brendan Montague from Washington DC, USA. Speaking at the Heartland Institute’s climate denier conference in Washington DC today, the Texas congressman described how three subpoenas for EPA staff emails and texts have now been issued following claims about “secret emails” and personal use of email accounts by the agency.  This follows a similar-spirited freedom of information request submitted to the EPA by Chris Horner, a senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute supported by the ExxonMobil funded Competitive Enterprise Institute. Smith, chairman of the science, space and technology committee said at the conference that “Regulation should be based on sound science not science fiction.” “The science is clear and overwhelming but not in the way the President says. The fact is there is little evidence that climate change causes extreme weather events.” Smith’s speech comes only two days after a federal court dismissed a lawsuit by the nation’s largest coal companies and 14 coal-producing states that sought to block President Obama’s clamp-down on power plant emissions. “The president’s power plan is nothing more than a power play. It will give the government more control over Americans’ daily lives. These regulations stifle economic growth, destroy jobs, and increase energy prices,” said Smith. He continued: “The EPA justify their dictatorial approach by claiming regulations will slow global climate change and reduce carbon emissions. But heavy handed regulation and arbitrary emission targets will do lasting damage to our economy all for little environment impact.” In an effort to counter the EPA’s “most aggressive regulatory agenda in its 40 year history,” Smith’s Secret Science Reform Act was passed by the House in March to prohibit the EPA from implementing a regulation unless it makes public all related data, scientific analyses, and materials.  Smith argues the bill will increase transparency and stop the EPA using “hidden and flawed” science. However, 40 scientific institutions and universities have now opposed the bill arguing it will severely hamper the EPA form carrying out its mission to protect public health and the environment. [more]

Texas Congressman Lamar Smith Declares War on NASA and EPA Climate Science Research