7 December 2014 (YouTube) – Either we come together now to make these the last days of ivory-funded terrorism or we witness the last days of elephants in the wild. Created by Director Kathryn Bigelow, Writer Scott Z. Burns, and Annapurna Pictures, in collaboration with WildAid. Visit http://lastdaysofivory.com to get informed and take action.

Last Days Film End Ivory-Funded Terrorism. Graphic: lastdaysofivory.com

(lastdaysofivory.com) – Last year we were made aware of the very real connection between elephant poaching and terrorism. For us, it represented the diabolical intersection of two problems that are of great concern – species extinction and global terrorism. Both involve the loss of innocent life and both require urgent action. To make a feature film about such a topic would likely take years during which more elephants would die, so instead we got a team of fellow filmmakers together quickly and made what you see here. We felt that by making it an animated piece we would give it a broader audience – besides, the Internet is filled with graphic images of slaughtered elephants and yet the killing continues. Our desire was to help the viewer focus on the trail of money as well as the trail of blood – a relationship that Interpol and other groups unequivocally confirm. There are real things we can all do to stop wild elephants from disappearing from our world while cutting off funding for some of the world’s most notorious terrorist networks. This site is here to help you convert your anger, your sadness and your compassion into action. Use it! An elephant disappears every 15 minutes. It is our hope that this film helps to bring an activist into existence at least that often. We can stop this. We need your help. The Last Days Team

End Ivory-Funded Terrorism