Drought may force Brazil’s biggest city to cut back water service to 2 days a week – ‘The water is at its end, our patience too’
São Paulo, January 28, 2015 (Associated Press) – The worst drought to hit Brazil’s biggest city in decades may leave residents with water service only two days a week. São Paulo water utility company Sabesp says a five days-off, two days-on system would be a last-ditch effort to prevent the collapse of the Cantareira water system. The reservoir is the largest of six that provide water to some 6 million of the 20 million people living in the metropolitan area of São Paulo city. The utility says Cantareira is now down to 5.1 percent of its capacity of 264 billion gallons (1 trillion liters). Sabesp official Paulo Massato Yoshimoto said Wednesday that “rationing could happen if rainfall does not increase in the reservoir area soon.”
Drought may force Brazil’s biggest city to cut back water service to 2 days a week
I'm sure it's possible that even this drastic measure won't be enough.
Only time will tell how many people will have to leave the region in order to survive.