Banner image from the RealClimate web site, Climate science from climate scientists. Graphic: RealClimate

10 December 2014 ( –

  • Start date: 10 December 2004
  • Number of posts: 914
  • Number of comments: ~172,000
  • Number of comments with inline responses: 14,277
  • Minimum number of total unique page visits, and unique views, respectively: 19 Million, 35 Million
  • Number of guest posts: 100+
  • Number of mentions in newspaper sources indexed by LexisNexis: 225
  • Minimum number of contributors and guest authors: 105
  • Minimum number of times RealClimate was hacked: 2
  • Busiest month: December 2009
  • Busiest day of the week: Monday
  • Number of times the IPCC and the NIPCC are mentioned, respectively: 357, 5
  • Minimum number of Science papers arising from a blog post here: 1
  • Minimum number of RealClimate mentions in Web Of Science references: 14
  • Minimum number of RealClimate mentions in theses indexed by ProQuest: 33

Posts highest ranked by Google by year:

All numbers are estimates from latest available data, but no warranty is implied or provided so all use of these numbers is at your own risk.

Ten years of Realclimate: By the numbers