Oi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3, Unit 4, in Oi District, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, May 1993. KEI at ja.wikipedia

By arevamirpal::laprimavera
3 August 2012 I’ve written about 137 alarms at Ooi Nuclear Power Plant Reactor 4 and the jellyfish protesting the restart (again) in my previous post. Yomiuri Shinbun tells us the scale of the jellyfish attack this time. 200 cubic meters worth of jellyfish forced the plant to reduce the water intake by 30%. Good job, jellyfish. From Yomiuri Shinbun (8/3/2012):

関西電力は2日、福井県おおい町の大飯原子力発電所3、4号機(各118万キロ・ワット)で7月末、大量のクラゲが取水口近くに押し寄せて冷却用の水を集めにくくなったため、約17時間にわたって出力を引き下げたことを明らかにした。 KEPCO disclosed on August 2 that the output was lowered for Reactors 3 and 4 at Ooi Nuclear Power Plant in Ooi-cho, Fukui Prefecture for 17 hours at the end of July, because of the swarm of jellyfish near the water intake that reduced the amount of cooling water collected. 引き下げ幅の最大は、3号機が1・8%、4号機が1・3%。再稼働工程でクラゲのため出力ダウンしたのは7月8日以来2度目。 Output reduction in Reactor 3 was 1.8% maximum, and 1.3% maximum in Reactor 4. It is the second time since July 8 after the restart process started that the output was reduced because of jellyfish. 関電によると、フル稼働状態だった7月30日午後からクラゲの量が増え始め、3号機は午後3時30分から、4号機は同4時頃から段階的に出力を引き下げた。クラゲは翌31日未明に減り始め、午前8時30分に出力を元に戻した。 According to KEPCO, the number of jellyfish started to increase in the afternoon of July 30, when [both reactors] were in full operation. Reactor 3 started to reduce output at 3:30PM, Reactor 4 at 4PM. Jellyfish started to decrease in numbers by the early morning of July 31, and the output was restored to full at 8:30AM. 取水口にある漂流物を除去するスクリーンにクラゲが張り付き、取水能力が3割以上落ちたという。回収したクラゲは約200立方メートルにも及び、関電は対策を検討している。 Jellyfish attached themselves to the water intake screen which was installed to remove floating debris, and the water intake capacity dropped by more than 30 percent, according to KEPCO. The volume of jellyfish removed is about 200 cubic meters. KEPCO is considering measures to deal with jellyfish. […]

Ooi Nuke Plant: 200 Cubic Meters of Jellyfish Caught on the Water Intake Screen