Aerial view of people protesting the restart of Ohi nuclear power plant block a road leading to the entrance, 2 July 2012. AP via

By arevamirpal::laprimavera
3 July 2012 It’s just a bad juju after another. Water leaks, alarms going off along the power transmission lines, protesters preventing the government minister from entering the plant by land, and now this. The Reactor 3 turbine vibrates too much. From Jiji Tsushin (7/3/2012):

発電再開、5日に延期=関電大飯3号機 Start of power generation postponed till July 5 at KEPCO Ooi Nuke Plant Reactor 3 牧野聖修経済産業副大臣は3日、関西電力大飯3号機の発電再開を、4日朝から5日午前に延期すると発表した。関電によると、発電再開の延期は、タービンの振動がメーカーの推奨値を上回っているためだという。 Seishu Makino, Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry announced on July 3 that the start of power generation at KEPCO Ooi Nuclear Power Plant Reactor 3 will be postponed until the morning of July 5. It was scheduled in the morning of July 4. According to KEPCO, the vibration of the turbine is exceeding the value recommended by the manufacturer.

UK’s Guardian has an AP photograph of protesters and the police and the plant. The final access to the plant by land seems to be through the tunnel.

Ooi Nuke Plant Reactor 3: Problem with Turbine, Start of Power Generation Postponed by One Day to July 5