Shark Extinction The Shocking Truth

4 April 2012 (Surfmeisters) – Ocean lovers everywhere, we are at crisis point. The top predator species in the food chain of our oceans is being hunted to extinction. Some shark specie populations are estimated to have declined by over 99% since the 1970′s! The repercussions for marine eco-systems are dramatic and have devastating consequences down the food chain. To name but one example, species of Rays and Skates can explode leading in turn to the shocking decline of shellfish fisheries and a rapid reduction in water quality. And that’s just for starters! Once these apex predators are gone the consequences are unthinkable. Act now before it’s too late! Sources: Predators_as_Prey_FINAL_FINAL.pdf sharkfacts.html sharkfacts_2.html science1.html pew_global.shtml How_many_sharks_die_each_year_from_water_pollution

Shark Extinction: The Shocking Truth