By arevamirpal::laprimavera
27 February 2012 The documentary includes footage from early days of the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster that started on 11 March 2011 that I’ve never seen before – weather camera video when the tsunami hit the plant, a video shot by a plant worker as he tried to escape uphill. The fact I wasn’t aware at that time – there were people in Okuma-machi (where the plant is located) on March 12 when the radiation was vented, looking for their family members lost in the earthquake/tsunami. People interviewed include a current TEPCO employee at the plant, a former plant inspector, farmers and fishermen in Fukushima, and Naoto Kan, who has been very busy spinning the story ever since he finally quit so that he is portrayed as a “hero”, foiled by the scheming bureaucracy. BBC obliged. But it is still a very good documentary.

BBC This World 2012 Inside the Meltdown