Biologists at the University of Sussex have been analysing how effectively different species of flowers attract foraging insects. The best plants are the Mexican giant hyssop, which was particularly good for bumblebees, while borage was best for honeybees and lilac sage was second best. ALAMY

By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent
19 February 2012 Biologists at the University of Sussex have been analysing how effectively different species of flowers attract foraging insects. Preliminary results have revealed there is a 100-fold difference in the lure that some popular garden plants have for honey bees and bumblebees. The best plants are the Mexican giant hyssop, which was particularly good for bumblebees, while borage was best for honeybees and lilac sage was second best. Wild marjoram and Greek Origanum were found to be most attractive to wild solitary bees. Lavenders such as the white Lavender edelweiss and the blue lavender grossblau were also good for attracting the insects. In contrast some geranium species, which are a favourite among gardeners, are barely ever visited by the insects and popular types of Dahlia such as the cactus Tahiti and pom pom shaped Dahlia Franz Kafka were found to be poor at providing food for foraging bees. In the UK honey bee numbers have halved in the past 25 years while numbers of bumblebees have fallen by around 60 per cent since 1970 with three species going extinct and seven suffering serious declines. The researchers hope their work can help reverse the decline in many bee species by allowing gardeners to choose plants that will ensure bees have a good supply of food in their flower beds. Mihail Garbuzov, who is leading the project at the Laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects at the University of Sussex, said: “While there are a lot of lists recommending flowers to plant to promote bees in gardens, but as far as we know, few seem to be based on empirical evidence.” […] Loss of wild flowers and disease are thought to be the main reasons why bee numbers have plummeted in recent years around the world. […]

Save our bees: scientists reveal the plants that could halt bee decline