The dessicated body of a steer lies in the sand in East Africa, a victim of the 2011 drought.

New York, Sep 25 (IBNS) – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for a long-term approach by national authorities and the international donor community to tackle the root causes of recurring drought-related food shortages in the Horn of Africa, which is facing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. “Addressing underlying risk factors is among the keys to ensuring this crisis does not strike again,” Mr. Ban told a mini-summit in New York on the humanitarian emergency in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti, where an estimated 13 million people are facing severe food shortages as a result of the prolonged drought. Famine has so far been formally declared in six areas of Somalia. “Let us not allow drylands to remain investment deserts. Let us ensure that women and children have access to basic health care and water. Let us work for stability to allow markets to flourish,” said Mr. Ban at the mini summit convened on the margins of general debate of the 66th session of the General Assembly. He noted that successful programmes in Ethiopia and Kenya have helped ensure that, despite the worst drought in six decades, there is no famine. “This is a profound achievement that can be replicated some day in Somalia. We will see drought again – with increasing frequency. But drought need not become famine.” […] Irish musician and anti-poverty activist Bob Geldof spoke of a “perfect storm of social challenges” that the world seems incapable of dealing with because of the speed with which they have come. He called for the universal adoption of the charter by all world leaders and international organizations.

Recurring food shortages in Horn of Africa