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17 August 2011 Workers at Japan’s Fukushima plant say the ground under the facility is cracking and radioactive steam is escaping through the cracks. The cooling system at the plant failed after the devastating tsunami hit Japan in March, sparking a nuclear crisis. But new evidence suggests that Fukushima reactors were doomed to cripple even before the massive wave reached them. RT’s Anissa Naouai talks to Dr. Robert Jacobs, a Professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute.

Fukushima – Radioactive Steam Escapes Danger Zone

By arevamirpal::laprimavera
17 August 2011 The anonymous Fukushima I Nuke Plant worker whom I featured before several times tweets on the information, yet to be substantiated, related by an independent journalist Kota Kinoshita on his blog on August 15. Mr. Kinoshita related the information only because he had heard the similar information from his government source. What is that information? That there is steam gushing out of cracks on the ground, and that there are 6 locations that exceed 10 sieverts/hr radiation. 1. About “steam gushing out from cracks on the ground”: In Mr. Kinoshita’s blog:

8月上旬の話です。夜の九時 ごろにおきたこと。福島第一原発の作業員よりつぎの趣旨でメールで情報が地元関係者に届いたという事です。その内容は、「敷地内に​ある地割れから水蒸気 が噴出。周りが真っ白になり、作業員が一時退避した。地下で反応しているようだ。風向きでそちらの線量に注意して」​。 It was early August, around 9PM. A worker at Fukushima I Nuke Plant sent an email to his local contact, saying “Steam gushing out of cracks on the ground. The area is foggy with steam, and the workers evacuated temporarily. Some kind of reaction may be occurring underground. Watch out for radiation level depending on the wind direction”. 政府内の情報源より「構内の​地面から水蒸気が出ているとは聞いていて懸念している」との話 From the information source within the government, “I’ve heard about the steam coming out from the ground, and I am concerned”.

Fukushima worker’s tweet:

水蒸気の事は前にも答えましたが、オイラは見たことも聞いた事もないです。 As I have said before, I have never seen, or heard about, such steam.

It’s possible that he doesn’t know, but someone else may know. 2. About locations that exceed 10 sieverts/hr: In Mr. Kinoshita’s blog:

10,000ミリシーベルトの箇所も東電の発表と違い、六ヶ所もあるということも伝えてきています。 [The same worker] also told [his contact] that there are 6 locations that exceed 10,000 millisievert/hr [10 sieverts/hr], unlike what TEPCO has announced.

Fukushima worker’s tweet:

10Sv/h以上の場所6ヶ所は事実だと思います。ただそれは今の所、計測できる場所のみで実際はもっと他の場所もあると思います。 I think that is true. But those are the locations that have been measured. I think there are many more.

Mr. Kinoshita’s blog has this bit of “rumor” from his worker at the plant:

格納容器に近い場所で、何箇所か地割れがあって、そこから水蒸気が吹き出てくる状態が、恒常的ではないのですが、おきている There are several cracks on the ground near the Containment Vessel, and the steam is coming out from them, not on a regular basis but sporadically.

Wait, does that mean the floor of the reactor building is cracked? He doesn’t say which reactor. And Fukushima worker has another tweet that says:

また1~3号機原子炉建屋内はそれ以上の線量の場所が沢山あって立ち入れない場所が沢山あります In the reactor buildings of Reactors 1, 2 and 3, there are many spots that measure even higher [than 10 sieverts/hr] and we can’t go near them.

So much for the plant being stable. But so far, the information is unsubstantiated (i.e., not admitted, or denied, by officials at TEPCO or the government). Speaking of the government, it will allow the residents in Okuma-machi and Futaba-machi, where the plant is located, to temporarily return to their homes later this month now that the plant is stable.

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Worker: No Steam Gushing From Cracks, But There Are Many 10-Plus Sieverts/Hr Locations