The largest fire in New Mexico history has burned areas in Valles Caldera National Preserve near Los Alamos, 3 July 2011. Several Native American tribes are lamenting the damage to sacred land and archeological sites. Jae C. Hong / Associated Press

By Stephen Ceasar, Los Angeles Times
2 July 2011
Several Native American tribes are lamenting the damage to sacred land and archeological sites caused by the largest fire in New Mexico state history. The Las Conchas fire has charred about 13,000 acres within the Santa Clara Canyon, an area of great significance to those who live in Santa Clara Pueblo, a Native American community north of Santa Fe. “This is a fire like we’ve never seen before,” said Santa Carla Pueblo Gov. Walter Dasheno. The burned area accounts for nearly 25% of the reservation’s 55,000 acres, and the blaze is expected to consume more land in the coming days. Firefighters have so far been able to protect some of the ancient Puye Cliff Dwellings, a national historic landmark. The tribe left the dwellings in the 14th century to settle in their current location. When officials attempted to survey damage in the rest of the canyon in recent days, they were stymied by thick smoke, Dasheno said. The loss of the ancient cultural sites and wildlife is a blow to the 2,800 Pueblo residents, who continue to pray that Mother Nature will bring relief in the form of rain, Dasheno said. “We cry because what our forefathers were able to take care [of] for us is being destroyed by fire,” he said. “With Mother Nature, we can never control what she can or can’t do.” At the Bandelier National Monument, nearly 1,300 of the 3,000 sites atop the Pajarito Plateau held sacred by area tribes have been affected by the fire, said park superintendent Jason Lott. The sites include pueblo dwellings, man-made caves and farming areas, some 10,000 years old. […]

New Mexico fire encroaches on sacred Native American grounds