Fukushima workers wear protective suits to protect them from the radiation, but some of the radiation still gets through and makes its way into the workers' bodies, causing cell and tissue damage. Reuters

June 10 (NHK) – The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says radiation levels in one of the reactor buildings remain too high for workers to do their jobs. Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, sent 9 workers into the No.3 reactor building for about 20 minutes on Thursday, in a bid to start stabilizing the reactor. The utility plans to inject nitrogen gas into the containment vessel to prevent accumulated hydrogen from causing an explosion. It also intends to install a system to cool the reactor with circulating water. The workers withdrew after measuring radiation of 100 millisieverts per hour near the reactor’s containment vessel. TEPCO says it intended to limit the workers’ exposure to below 5 millisieverts per hour. But as all 9 received higher doses, it has suspended work while considering a course of action.

Radiation in No. 3 reactor too high for work

by arevamirpal::laprimavera
10 June 2011 What a surprise. Workers braved the high radiation (up to 100 millisievert/hour) in the Reactor 3 reactor building on June 9 and found water in the basement. TEPCO says it expected to find water there, but didn’t bother to tell us until the water was actually found. Have I seen this before? Yes, the Reactor 1. To state the obvious, if there’s water in the basement of the reactor building, that means 1) the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is broken; 2) the Containment Vessel is broken. The only question is: Where’s the corium? …

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3 Bldg Has Over 6,400 Tons of Contaminated Water