Drought-affected areas in the United Kingdom, May 2011. UK Environment Agency / guardian.co.uk

By Lisa Evans
10 June 2011
East Anglia is now officially classed as in drought by DEFRA. Today James Meikle wrote about what this means for the farmers of East Anglia and others affected by dry weather. It’s useful to know the last time the weather was this dry, for clues about what we can expect. We ask: when has the weather been drier? The Met Office produces some very nice visualisations of UK rainfall history, showing rainfall anomalies – which is the difference from the average rainfall. The Met Office also publishes simply the amount of rainfall measured in millimetres. We have this data for the past 100 years for different UK regions. There’s plenty to explore. We have added the Met Office collated rainfall for all the UK and those specifically for East Anglia to a spreadsheet below for you to download. …

100 years of UK rainfall: when was it this dry before?