Flooded farmland west of Sikeston in New Madrid County, 29 April 2011. William Lounsbury / columbiamissourian.com

1. Record Breaking Mississippi River Levels Cause Levee Demo The Big Muddy rolled relentlessly southward, causing havoc as the record flood level drove citizens from their homes. Although the Army Corps of Engineers was forced to dynamite the levees to save Cairo, IL, the disaster is a movable catastrophe. 2. Tornado Attack in the South is UnPrecedented With a total of 881 tornadoes across the South, the week of April 25 was the largest outbreak in history. For the entire the month of April there were 600, breaking the monthly record from May 2003 when there were 542. There sure have been a lot of record breaking disasters lately. Is it La Nino do you think? 3. Fed Haitin’ Texas Governor Perry Whines About Federal Aid for Wildfire Devastation Sorry Ricky, no disaster money for you. Two weeks ago, belief in magical thinking or a need to pander to his Pentecostal constituency caused Governor Rick Perry to proclaim the Easter holiday weekend as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas. Since Rick and his fellow Texans can’t imagine their nation leading carbon emissions or short-sighted land use use policies could have anything to do with the fire mega-disaster of late April, they are looking for money from the Feds. But Ricky and the boys hate the feds and they don’t even like being Americans, a pattern that has remained intact since they stole the land from Mexico. So with Ricky threatening to secede every time the wind ruffles his perfect hair, how can we provide disaster relief to people who are leaving the union? …

Extreme Weather is All About Records