A stream in the Japan Alps near Takayama. The river bed is limestone; hence the clarity and brilliant colour of the water. johnrf / redbubble.com

By arevamirpal::laprimavera
30 May 2011 Radioactive pollution is now detected in snow and freshwater fish. And Japan’s Kan administration still pushes for nuclear power, not just for the Japanese but for the up-and-coming countries in Asia and the rest of the world. From Mainichi Shinbun Japanese (5/30/2011; link, emphasis added):

山岳愛好家らで作る「高山(たかやま)の原生林を守る会」は29日、福島市周辺の山岳地帯から採取した雪の放射線量分析結果を公表した。標高1500メー トル以下を中心に高濃度の放射性セシウムが検出され、最高は箕輪山東斜面の1338メートル地点で1キロ当たり2968ベクレルだった。市内の阿武隈川の ヤマメなど川魚からは国の暫定規制値(1キロ当たり500ベクレル)を上回るセシウムが検出され、雪解け水の流入が原因とみられるという。 On May 29, a private association of mountain lovers [in Fukushima], “Association for preserving the primal forests in Takayama Mountain”, announced the result of radiation analysis of snow samples taken from the mountains around Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture. High concentration of radioactive cesium was detected from snow samples taken below the altitude of 1,500 meters (4,921 feet), with the highest being 2,968 becquerels per kilogram from the sample taken on the east slope of Mount Minowa at 1,338 meters high. Radioactive cesium that exceeds the provisional national limit (500 becquerels per kilogram) has been detected from freshwater fish in the Abukuma river that runs through Fukushima City, and it is considered that radioactive cesium in fish comes from the water from melted snow.

High Level of Radioactive Cesium from Snow in #Fukushima