Atlantic Bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, is a species of tuna in the Scombridae family. It is also known as  the Northern Bluefin Tuna and Giant Bluefin Tuna. Its weight varies for individuals exceeding 150 Kilograms or around 330 Pounds.  Atlantic bluefin have become extinct in the Black Sea, but people do not stop eating it, as it is still commercially harvested and sold.

Associated Press; Angela Doland in Paris contributed to this report
18 November 2010 BRUSSELS (AP) — France, Spain and other Mediterranean nations forced the European Union to retreat Thursday from an ambitious plan to save the threatened and prized bluefin tuna. After drawn-out negotiations, the 27-nation EU abandoned a plan to seek cutbacks in fishing quotas based only on scientific advice and said Thursday it will now also consider the interests of tuna fishermen. Representatives from 48 countries around the world are preparing to set fishing quotas for the Atlantic bluefin, whose tender red meat is popular in sushi in Japan. That meeting in Paris started Wednesday and continues through Nov. 27. Bluefin tuna stocks in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean have dropped 60 percent from 1997 to 2007, and the current Mediterranean fishing quota is 13,500 metric tons a year. Some conservationists want quotas slashed at the international meeting, while others want fishing suspended entirely, saying that illegal fishing is rampant in the Mediterranean. The conservation group WWF says the species is “on the brink of extinction.”… The EU statement Thursday did not say what quota it would press for at the international meeting. But Remi Parmentier of the Pew Environment Group said he had been told the EU now “has no intention of going beyond a reduction of 2,000 tons” from the current quota. He said Damanaki earlier had reportedly been seeking to halve the quota. Parmentier said he was disappointed with the EU and its “business as usual” approach. “It’s no secret that under the leadership of France, a number of EU countries have been undermining and sabotaging the (fishing) proposal from the European Commission,” he said. …

Fishing nations force EU retreat on bluefin tuna