Ryanair’s chief executive rips into ‘fucking eco-warriors’, ‘bogus’ scientists and aviation’s ‘crap’ tax deal Michael O'Leary, Ryanair boss. Carlo Cerchioli / GraziaNeri

By Leo Hickman
Friday 10 September 2010 Hilarious stuff from Michael O’Leary in the Independent this morning. Just when you thought Ryanair‘s chief executive couldn’t make a bigger prat of himself, he manages to up the ante. This time, by quite some considerably margin. In his latest tirade against all things environmental, he appears to be inviting the audience to play “climate sceptic bingo”, such is the density of clichés and canards contained within each of the sentences he utters. See how long it takes you to shout “House!” when reading through his rant:

Nobody can argue that there isn’t climate change. The climate’s been changing since time immemorial. Do I believe there is global warming? No, I believe it’s all a load of bullshit. But it’s amazing the way the whole fucking eco-warriors and the media have changed. It used to be global warming, but now, when global temperatures haven’t risen in the past 12 years, they say ‘climate change’. Well, hang on, we’ve had an ice age. We’ve also had a couple of very hot spells during the Middle Ages, so nobody can deny climate change. But there’s absolutely no link between man-made carbon, which contributes less than 2% of total carbon emissions [and climate change].

He suggested scientists had invented and perpetuated the theory in order to gain research grants. “Scientists argue there is global warming because they wouldn’t get half of the funding they get now if it turns out to be completely bogus,” he said.

The scientific community has nearly always been wrong in history anyway. In the Middle Ages, they were going to excommunicate Galileo because the entire scientific community said the Earth was flat… I mean, it is absolutely bizarre that the people who can’t tell us what the fucking weather is next Tuesday can predict with absolute precision what the fucking global temperatures will be in 100 years’ time. It’s horseshit. …

Michael O’Leary: Global warming is ‘horseshit’ – and other insights via Apocadocs