Prayer service for the Gulf of Mexico

By Roy Hoffman, Press-Register
Published: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 4:07 PM As first light filled the sky over the Gulf of Mexico, a small band of worshippers gathered at Gulf State Park Pavilion on Sunday to pray for the Gulf and those affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. “God does take care of the Earth, even though we try to mess it up,” said Ned Owens of Gulf Shores, who attended the interdenominational event with his wife, Janice. “After all,” said Owens, gesturing to the breakers crashing onto the beach, “he made all this.” Organized by the Evangelical Environmental Network in concert with the Christian Coalition of Alabama, the dawn service was part of the National Day of Prayer for the Gulf. “People all over the world are praying,” said Randy Brinson, chairman of the Christian coalition. The small number at the pavilion — approximately two dozen worshippers — included Sharon Brush, who said she had been “heartsick” since the oil spill, and came “to unite in prayer” with others. As Eddie Middleton, song leader, filled the air with music, Brush faced the Gulf, lifting her hands in praise. The Rev. Mitch Hescox, president of the Evangelical Environmental Network, had traveled from Pennsylvania to pastor the morning service. He would take his spiritual message to other coast locales later in the day. Hescox evoked the 24th Psalm — “The earth is the Lord’s” — and stated: “We have to depend not on government, not on oil companies, not even on ourselves, but we can surrender our lives to the God who can do all things.” Other ministers and public officials spoke. Tom Parker, Alabama Supreme Court Justice, asked God to “make the cap permanent” and “send Gulf breezes to blow (oil) out the other way.” …

Video: Small band of worshippers pray for Gulf at morning service