Deforestation in Madagascar, photographed during airplane flight from Anatananarivo to Maroantsetra.

SEAL, a French transport company, is scheduled to ship 79 containers of rosewood tomorrow from the port of Toamasina on its vessel Terra Bona, reports Midi Madagascar. The shipment comes less than three months after Madagascar’s ruling authority banned timber exports after international uproar over the organized logging of the country’s national parks in the aftermath of last year’s military coup. SEAL’s shipment of timber will be in direct violation of the moratorium. Madagascar’s Ministry of Environment estimates there are some 1,500 containers’ worth of precious hardwoods awaiting shipment in northeastern Madagascar. The street value of a container full of rosewood is around $200,000, according to a study published last year by researchers at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

French company to break moratorium on shipments of illegally logged rosewood from Madagascar