Australia, 5 Feb 2009. Clouds can be seen over the northern part of the country, while the sun-baked southern area is cloud-free. via eosnap.comBy ELLIE HARVEY
April 27, 2010

NOT since the April days of 1922 has Sydney had such a run of warm weather so late in autumn. Last Friday, the temperature reached 30.7 degrees in the city – the hottest day this late in the season for 88 years. A meteorologist, Josh Fisher, said April typically had warm days but the recent ”late season heat” was unusual. But as the end of the month nears, 21 of 26 days so far have been above the long-term April average of 22.4 degrees. The average temperature so far this month has been 25.1 degrees. ”I would say that we would be coming up with quite a [significantly] warm April,” Peter Zmijewski, a Bureau of Meteorology forecaster, said. Mr Zmijewski said ”the unseasonably warm temperatures” had been caused by strong high-pressure systems and warm water temperatures off the Sydney coast. …

Hottest late April in 88 years